sexta-feira, 11 de abril de 2014

The Cat is Social - Pinterest

Hi Catity Cat Cats!

Lately we've been discussing new orientations in social network platforms here at The Cat is Organic, and we decided to share with you a bit of our ideas with these platforms has an extension of our work. The first one will be Pinterest?

If you don't know what Pinterest is a tool for you to collect ideas for your interests, you create a board and the you pin images, gif's or videos to that board so you can check them out later everytime you need and everywhere because Pinterest is available almost everywhere, from web to smartphones and tablets.

So, this is why we love Pinterest because we can share our ideas with you trough a gazillion of images! We have panels to inspire our labels, our products and healthy habits and a lot more!

So would you kindly take a look at our Pinterest Page?? 

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