sábado, 26 de outubro de 2013

i´m blushing!!!

Our NEW lovely pink loose powder blush is made of fine&natural things such as cocoa butter,pearl powder and other edible pigments!Looks sweet on skin and oooh...also smells DIVINE!

But where does Blush/Rouge comes from?
Here goes a a bit of history:

Since ancient times, women have been adding color to their faces by using a variety of different materials. Ancient Egyptians used ground clay to give their cheeks a healthy glow. Women from other cultures used the juice from beets and various berries to stain their cheeks a soft shade of pink. In Victorian times, ladies took great pride in having pale skin, and face paint was considered highly improper. Surreptitiously, young ladies would pinch their cheeks for added color before receiving suitors. It wasn’t until the 20th century that using blush became fashionable once more.

In modern times, rouge generally consists of a red-coloured talcum-based powder that is applied with a brush to the cheek. The colouring is usually either the substance of safflor, or a solution of carmine in ammonium hydroxide and rosewater perfumed with rode oil. A cream-based variant of rouge is schnouda, a colourless mixture of Alloxan with cold cream  which also colours the skin red.Rouge originated as a thick paste, and was made from a range of things: from strawberries, to red fruits and vegetable juices, to the powder of finely crushed ochre.

It became popular in ancient Greece, where women whitened their complexion with chalk or lead face powder, and then painted their cheeks with a paste made from crushed seeds and berries. This look was a sign of the wealthy elite, but the lead was also extremly deadly.The rise of Christianity resulted the decline of rouge as it  was seen as too flashy and promiscuous.

When the Middle Ages came around, however, women were more inclined to go back to blush. One tactic was to regularly bleed oneself (to obtain the coveted pale complexion), and then put a mixture of water and strawberries on cheeks for a soft rosy color. Others wore egg whites on their faces for paler skin, as being fair was a sign of high class but there was a fine line drawn where acceptable rouge was concerned. It was most common among upper class women and prostitutes, and was often seen as immoral but, as soon as Queen Elizabeth embraced makeup,it became more acceptable. Many women wore lead paints mixed with vinegar to create a past called cerise for whitened skin, and mercury sulfide for rouge. This combination is the reason why high foreheads were in fashion, because the chemicals caused hair to fall out! AKA: receding hairlines for women.

Lead and cerise are later discovered to cause major health issues for women, including facial tremors, paralysis, and even death. When toxic chemicals were in a rouge that was used on lips as well, it could poison not only the woman, but her unborn children: causing miscarriages.

One product that was eaten to produce white skin was called Arsenic Complexion Wafers. They poisoned the blood so that less red blood cells, and thus less oxygen, would reach organs. Rouges were also created with mulberry (a harmless vegetable) and cinnabar: which was indeed a poisonous red shade of mercury.

After the French Revolution, makeup was again seen as extravagant and improper, and women who wore it were seen as fake: trying to capture lost youth.

 Know more 

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